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CONCORD, NH- Today, the House Health Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee voted along party lines to block HB 1578 and HB 1536, two bills that would expand pre- and post-natal Medicaid services to Granite State families and children.

Prime Sponsor of HB 1578, a bill to expand Medicaid benefits to lawfully residing pregnant people and their children in the Granite State, Rep. Joe Schapiro (D-Keene) released the following statement:

“HB 1578 would expand Medicaid benefits to lawfully residing pregnant people and children in the Granite State. Pre- and post-natal healthcare is an investment in our state’s future. We know that low-income pregnant people experience higher rates of chronic pregnancy conditions and that interruptions in medical care can tragically lead to higher maternal mortality rates. Young immigrant families in New Hampshire deserve equal access to affordable healthcare and to healthy pregnancy outcomes. Frankly, it is shameful that Republicans are refusing to provide this critical care.”

Prime Sponsor of HB 1536, a bill to expand postpartum Medicaid services to Granite Staters, Rep. Megan Murray (D-Amherst) added:

“The insinuation from New Hampshire Republicans that Granite Staters are having ‘serial pregnancies’ to take advantage of small expanded postpartum Medicaid services is disturbing and wildly offensive. Such an outlandish claim was completely unfounded with no testimony or evidence to support it. The ‘savings’ that a person might achieve by being able to receive Medicaid benefits just a few months longer is undoubtedly miniscule compared to the average cost of raising children in this country until age 18. It’s clear, House Republicans are simply unwilling to make a proactive investment in the future of Granite State families.”

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