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Press Releases & News

CONCORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE – Today, the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee is hearing several pieces of legislation to reduce gun violence in the Granite State. Deputy Ranking Member on the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee, Rep. David Meuse (D-Portsmouth) released the following statement:

“There have been approximately 50 mass shootings in the United States since January 1st– more slaughters of innocent Americans than days in 2023. Today, dozens of Granite Staters have taken time from their busy lives to speak truth to power, imploring their elected representatives to institute gun violence prevention measures once and for all. Gun deaths in New Hampshire have been on the rise in recent years, with instances of tragic shootings published in our local news weekly.

90% of Granite Staters,* Republicans and Democrats alike, support responsible gun ownership. Firming up background checks, preventing impulsive acts of violence and suicide with waiting periods and extreme risk protection orders, protecting our children from guns on school grounds, and promoting the safe storage of firearms in the home are among the most important pieces of legislation we can pass to give New Hampshire the tools to combat gun violence. These policies are not radical – they are common sense measures with bipartisan support in almost every other state in which they have passed. Let’s do the right thing for the safety of our constituents.”

CONCORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE – Today, House Democrats unveiled their Blueprint For a Stronger New Hampshire, a plan detailing the caucus’s legislative priorities for the 2023-2024 biennium. House Democratic Leader Rep. Matt Wilhelm (D-Manchester) offered the following statement:

“After thousands of conversations on our neighbors’ doorsteps last fall, we’ve heard the call from our communities, and stand ready to address their concerns. Across the state, our neighbors are struggling to afford the high cost of energy, rent, and childcare, with many working multiple jobs to make ends meet.

All the while, we know that Republicans have vowed to limit the reproductive freedom of Granite Staters, give big corporations a tax cut for the 10th time in less than a decade, continue to siphon tax dollars for private schools, and oppose real property tax relief for our municipalities.

With our Democratic blueprint as a guide for our legislative work, we know that we can lower costs for Granite State households, grow our economy, protect individual rights and freedoms, maintain healthy and safe communities, and properly fund our public schools for a stronger New Hampshire.”

Legislation would protect taxpayers by limiting program to ‘school choice’

CONCORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE – Today, the House Education Committee heard testimony on HB 430, which would re-focus the Education Freedom Account program to “school choice” for students struggling in public school. The EFA program is currently open to both public school students and students who are already in private education. Representative David Luneau (D-Hopkinton), prime sponsor of the bill, released the following statement:

“The EFA voucher program was touted as an opportunity for students who are not succeeding in public school, at a substantial savings to property taxpayers. But that is not how the program was written. Instead of simply providing options to public school students and reducing taxpayer obligation in the process, New Hampshire’s EFA program was opened to those already in private education, who had previously cost the state nothing.

In just two years, the EFA voucher program has increased spending over $23 million, with more than 75% of those funds going to households already in private education. This legislation seeks to re-focus the program to its intended purpose – ‘school choice,’ and end the unsustainable subsidies for those who already made the decision to attend and pay for private school.

The NH Department of Education projects EFA’s will cost New Hampshire $60 million in 2023-2024. When people can barely afford to buy eggs for their family, they certainly do not have extra money to help other people pay for private school. This bill will preserve ‘school choice’ for those who need it, does not affect any current participant in the program, and will save Granite Staters millions of dollars over the next two years. I strongly encourage my colleagues on the Education Committee to support this legislation.”


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