Rep Suzanne Vail
Resources, Recreation and Development
Hillsborough District - 30
I am a Nashua native, and have lived here most of my life. My three daughters are part of the fourth generation of our family who have graduated from Nashua Public schools. I am a UNH graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in psychology.
I devoted more than 20 years to our community mental health system, providing case management, counseling, and crisis management at NH Community Mental Health Centers, and as a member of the Disaster Behavioral Health Response Team.
In my first legislative term, I served on the House Municipal and County Government Committee, and my second as a member of the House Transportation Committee.
I have also served on the Hillsborough County Executive Committee, where I have been involved in budgeting and advocating for county workers and services to the communities that depend on Nashua and Manchester. I will seek a second term on the County Executive Committee.