Rep Dennis Malloy
Ways and Means
Rockingham District - 23
Dennis Malloy is serving his fourth term in the NH House of Representatives. In 2012 he was elected to the House from Barrington. In 2015 Dennis and his wife Laura moved to Greenland to be closer to their business, Malloy Interiors, located in Portsmouth. He is representing the towns of Greenland and Newington and served as clerk of the Ways and Means Committee. He also serves as Chair of Greenland, NH Trustee of Trust Funds.
Dennis and Laura graduated from college and began their professional careers in Iowa. Dennis graduated from Coe College in Cedar Rapids and received a Master’s degree from Iowa State University in Ames.
Dennis served as the Chief Development Officer for NH Public Television and is an arbitrator with the Financial Industries Regulatory Authority (FINRA) that provides oversight and regulatory leadership to the securities industry. He is currently chair of the Seacoast YMCA Advisory Board, Trustee of the Granite State YMCA and served as chair of the Development Committee for Leadership New Hampshire.
Before moving to New Hampshire in 2001, Dennis served on the Board of Directors of the Central Iowa Red Cross and the Polk County Cancer Society and was Director of Community Relations and Development at Iowa Public Television.