CONCORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE – Today, for the third time, the House Republican majority rejected an amendment to House Rules that would explicitly allow members remote access to House Sessions. Representative Lucy Weber (D-Walpole) released the following statement:
“The rest of the world has adapted to zoom quite well, but House Republicans continue to claim they are incapable of meeting through video technology. The practical result of this Republican obstruction is that thousands of Granite Staters are disenfranchised because their elected representatives cannot attend in person during this pandemic.”
“People with disabilities should not have fewer rights than those who seek to exploit them. Instead of working to provide reasonable access to members with disabilities, Speaker Packard and the Republican majority has spent the last two months conjuring excuses to justify why they cannot. The New Hampshire Senate, Executive Council, Court system, schools, and countless businesses have all adapted to meeting remotely. This vote shows, again, that the only reason we do not have any remote access to house sessions is because the Republican Majority does not want to allow it.”