CONCORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE – April 8, House Republicans rejected attempts to remove language in House Bills 1 and 2 that directly attacks abortion and reproductive health care access in New Hampshire. Following the votes, Representatives Marjorie Smith (D-Durham) and Katherine Rogers (D-Concord) released the following statement:
“House Bill 1 as amended by the Majority of the Finance Committee in the House intentionally cuts state funding for family planning providers in New Hampshire,” said Representative Marjorie Smith (D-Durham). “This cut is particularly cruel since these providers are expected to see an anticipated 9-month gap in federal funding because of the Trump administration’s previous gag rule. Family planning providers administer most of the STD testing, breast exams and pap tests across the state and in general are a vital source of health care services for lower income families across the state.”
“Another attack on our family planning providers was included in House Bill 2 as amended by House Finance,” added Representative Katherine Rogers (D-Concord). “Republicans added language that requires totally unnecessary “physical separation” requirements between abortion care and preventive care. By requiring separate brick and mortar facilities that they know is an extreme financial barrier, Republicans are once again specifically attacking reproductive health care providers and working to abolish abortion access in New Hampshire”
On Background:
· Floor amendment 2021-1077h to HB 1-A (Pg 1 of House Calendar 1B) would have added about $1.24 million in state funds to the DHHS budget to fill the anticipated gap in federal funding for family planning contracts.
o This amendment was defeated on the floor
· Floor amendment 2021-1068h to HB 2-A (Pg 101 of House Calendar 1B) would have removed the language added in Division III of Finance that unfunds any family planning health care clinic that offers abortion services by requiring that no state funds shall be awarded to any “reproductive health facility" unless the state funded family planning program project is physically and financially separate from a reproductive health facility as defined in RSA 132:37, I.
o This amendment was defeated on the floor