December 16, 2020 - Today, the House Rules Committee voted not to allow a late-filing bill request submitted by House Democratic Leader and Rules Committee member, Representative Renny Cushing, to clarify and expand that hate speech, bullying, and all other forms of harassment are not appropriate conduct for elected officials. Co-sponsor of the request, Representative Charlotte Dilorenzo, (D-Newmarket), released the following statement:
“It is simply disturbing that Republican leadership chose not to allow the drafting of legislation that would hold elected officials accountable for hate speech. Words matter and votes matter. This vote today by Republican leadership is a clear and deeply disappointing denial that Rep. Dawn Johnson, in publicly sharing anti-Semitic cartoons, engaged in harmful behavior.”
“It is particularly outrageous that while thousands of Granite Staters celebrate the sacred Jewish holiday Hannukah, Republicans would double down on bolstering this act of hate speech and any future acts by New Hampshire’s legislators.”